
Smiph Samons
2 min readSep 16, 2020

They have wondered what leads humans to expect misfortunes.

No, it is not about being alert to protect yourself. It is a hidden feeling, which very few will admit, but I assure many share, a hidden and uncertain desire, or very clearly spread. Except for the grace of well-being, with which one can be truly honest, good is desired and wanted, but deep down, evil becomes a latent and guarded need of desire.

So poorly have they designed their world and the world in general that, under the given concepts, suffering leads to the exercise of feeling and that feeling makes one live. The short imagination does not go beyond the common practice of trying to be well, which could not be continuous, this is a distant and unrealistic ideal.

All this does not even consider the path of sadness, pain or suffering, which to some extent will help you grow. This is completely different; it forces you to think that if you don’t have a bad time you will never know about good.

As the light that does not shine because the clarity overshadows it, in an objective sense because perhaps nobody notices it, but perhaps it feels good just projecting itself, and if it is invisible, it is because they prefer darkness.

Well, it is so, citing the most classic examples, toxic loves, overwhelming parents, overprotection until suffocation, murders for “passion”, who thought to hide an atrocity after a euphemism. They are in the news, series, movies and the life that is so cruel, because that will sell more, unleash signs of affection, scarce and in the face of the scarcity of certain emotions, many prefer a bitter pain to a healing good.

Beware of this, very few will want wellness very sincere for you, even if they really wish it, inside so deep they have that message inherited through generations accompanied by morbidness.

It is a completely structured imbalance for the support and consolation of the total shamelessness of pleasure before the suffering of anyone. You are warning.



Smiph Samons

Envuelta en innuerables ideas, que drenan energía de no ser escritas.